General information on Abstracts


1.     Abstracts submitted after July 31, 2010 will not be accepted.

2.     Only abstracts submitted in electronic form (MS Word or Adobe pdf) are acceptable. Please do not send abstracts in Word 2007 format (docx).

3.     Submit abstracts electronically to the conference email  Each submission will be confirmed by a reply. If you do not receive a reply, this means that your submission did not reach the conference committee. In that case please re-send your submission.

4.     Abstracts are accepted under provision that at least one of the authors has paid the registration fee.

5.     The Scientific Committee of the Congress will decide as to how each abstract will be presented (oral or poster).

6.     The corresponding author of the abstract will be informed by email about the decision on the abstract acceptance not later than September 1, 2010.

7.     Selected peer reviewed contributions will be published in a special issue of  the Journal of Nanophotonics (JNP).


Abstract submission guidelines


*         Abstracts should be submitted in a camera-ready form.

*         The length of an abstract should be 1 A4 or letter page, including title, authors, affiliations, figures and references.

*         The style for the body text should be Times-new-roman 10pt, justified, single spacing, 6pt space behind each paragraph.

*         The title of the abstract should be typed in Times-new-roman 14pt, centered

*         The names of the authors should be given in Times-new-roman 11pt, bold, centered, presenting author underlined. Please include email of the presenting author.

*         The affiliations should be given in Times-new-roman 11pt, italic, centered.

*         References should be given in Times-new-roman, 9pt, numbered consecutively, without full titles

1. C. Genet & T. W. Ebbesen, Nature 445, 39 (2007)

*        A MS Word XP template can be found HERE, and an Adobe pdf example HERE.